Chérie Carter-Scott

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An Exclusive  Interview with 
Dr. Chérie Carter-Scott,
known as The Mother of Coachıng

Dan Peters

20 Feb. 2022

Dr. Chérie Carter-Scott, The Mother of Coaching Since 1974. Trains & Licenses Professional Coaches Worldwide. Oprah Endorsed. New York Times Best Selling Author, Fortune 500 Business Coach Consultant. Expert in Customer Service & Overcoming Negativity. 

Why have the changes of Covid 19 turned our world upside down?

The Covid Pandemic has demonstrated how a tiny microorganism can significantly change life, as we knew it, in an instant for all people inhabiting planet Earth! It is amazing how something that we cannot see, hear, smell, taste, or feel can wreak havoc on all of our lives, our institutions, and our society. 

What is it about Covid that has been changing human behaviors?

The numbers of cases and deaths escalate daily while we watch the numbers fluctuate with dreaded curiosity. We vacillate between wanting to know the truth and confront reality to distracting ourselves with familiar and potentially fun activities. 

Can you share how to cope in a pandemic? 

The changes from the pandemic are unplanned, unanticipated, unpredictable, and as a result are unwanted, unwelcome, and awkward to cope with. 

How do everyday people see the pandemic?

For most people, the proverbial rug in life has been ripped out from underneath them, creating stress, distress, and feeling out of control. Imagine yourself in the middle of a sea in which the current has rapidly changed and you find that you are being pulled farther away from shore, unable to navigate your way to safety. 

Are there different types of change?

Yes, there is “extrinsic change,” that which comes from outside of you, and tends to upset your equilibrium. 

Does stress play an important role?

Yes, stress levels are exacerbated when irritability is compounded with strong reactions to the extrinsic changes. 

What can someone do when faced with so much uncertainty?

Rather than feeling buffeted about or overwhelmed by change, it is time to take a close look at the “change” and address how to best manage it. 

What is the reality of Covid 19?

The novel Covid-19 virus has turned our world upside down with no clear expectation of when the danger will be over. The big question is: will the world ever resemble our lives from pre-Covid? It has been speculated that we will never go back to life as it was previously, and as the Corona Virus becomes endemic, we will need to create a “New Normal” for the survivors.

Since this change is unprecedented, what might be some steps to take?

How we deal with these unprecedented changes will make a huge difference. 

How will we know if we are a carrier of any one of the strains?

Learning to recognize body signals will provide warning signs and “wake up calls” that heighten your awareness and enable you to take steps to reduce stress.  These are the gauges on your life “dashboard” that give you information about your internal “engine.” When these warning signals indicate that something is not right, or is not functioning properly, you must heed the warning signs rather than ignoring or suppressing the signals.

Learning about stress is another matter, what would you suggest?

Most of us were never educated about stress… what causes it, how to recognize it, and what to do to alleviate it. Stress was never deemed important enough to include as part of the syllabus of coping with daily living. However, we live in an extremely demanding world that can be very stressful, especially when multiple high priority requests simultaneously require your attention. When you feel overwhelmed and unable to cope, you know that stress has taken control of your life.  

Are there stages before overwhelm renders you ineffective?

Yes, below are some questions to answer 

What are the signals and symptoms to look for?

If you thought stress sygnals were “normal,” the following list indicates that you are out of balance, and not addressing the “distress” that you are experiencing. Note or highlight the ones that you are experiencing:

• Inability to concentrate

• Difficulty in making decisions

• Feeling overwhelmed

• High blood pressure

• Indigestion

• Breathlessness

• Increased dependence on sugar, caffeine, alcohol, comfort foods, or pills

• Irritation with little issues 

• Nail biting

• Headaches

• Loss of sleep or sleeping excessively

What else can stress cause?

Serious results of stress can cause episodes of depression. 

Why is stress related to depression?

Stress is often related to a lack of control. When you feel overwhelmed, you feel trapped and unable to consider or imagine alternative options. When this happens, you can feel alone, lonely, and unable to reach out to anyone for support. 

When should we take the stress signals seriously?

It is best to notice your stress signals before they overtake your capable self and render you unable to manage your circumstances. 

Is it my imagination or is life speeding up?

The world is definitely speeding up and the volume of change is accelerating as well.

Do we have more change than our ancestors experienced?

Not only do we have more change than ever before the speed of change is occurring at what seems like the speed of light. 

With WFH, children are “home schooled,” in some situations three generations are attempting to function under one roof. with the entire family confined to a very small space, there seems less time to step back and reflect on our lives and make choices.

You are right! There are times when even taking a deep breath feels like a luxury. Just today a client commented, “I know I should prioritize, but everything seems urgent. There is so much to be done, with no one to delegate to, I feel alone and completely overwhelmed.” 

Is this an isolated incident or the norm?

This is not an isolated incident, but more and more it has become the norm for the average person. 

Becoming aware may mean that you must change something, is this right?

When you become aware of your stress “alarms” you will be required to make a change. If you don’t initiate the change voluntarily, the change will overtake you. 

So I have three possible steps forward, and if they are not possible, then deal with it?

Pay attention to the impact of the pandemic on your business. 

What do you mean?

Determine what is within your control and what isn’t. See if there is some way you can pivot experimenting with doing something that can make a difference in your life and the lives of those around you. 

I like the steps that you offer, they seem deployable by regular people. Do you have more?

A: Yes, in fact, the following rhetorical questions will help you ascertain whether you could or should consider a major change at this time. 

•Do talk yourself out of doing something difficult? 

•Do you rationalize and justify situations to accommodate your feelings and wishes at the moment? 

•Do you hold yourself accountable for what you said you would do? 

Those sound a bit like coaching.

Your right! You might want to hire a coach during this challenging time. The purpose of coaching is to facilitate choice, to map out a plan, and be supported until the choice is fully realized. If you’re facing an easy choice, there is minimal challenge and therefore, no need for a coach. If, on the other hand, it is a difficult choice, one that stretches you outside your comfort zone, then the coaching becomes more complicated and necessary. 

Do you think it would be possible to coach myself?

Yes, this is definitely possible. The main factors that impact your ability to coach yourself are: connection to self, honesty, telling the truth at the deepest level. If you have a solid, authentic, and positive relationship with yourself then coaching yourself may be perfect! 

I didn’t say I was a candidate, what if the fear is too big?

Conversely, if you believe your own reasons, excuses and justifications, or lack alignment of the various parts of you, then self-coaching would not be a good option.   

is there any other guidance that you can share?

Yes, actually, one of the effective tools I have come to appreciate is a short prayer written by Reinhold Niebuhr. The prayer asks for guidance in three areas: 1) What you cannot control, 2) What you can control, 3) and the capacity to discern the difference between the two. This simple and profound prayer, to whatever higher power you honor and respect, can be read below.

“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”  

In any event, you need to become senior to your circumstances…and seize what you can control. Start today with one step, and deliberately move forward with one to three steps per day. You can do this with focus, mindfulness, and determination! Go for it!

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